The New Movies In 2017
(7th September 2016, 08:25)SaraJones Wrote: It's been rumor that The Avenger - Infinity War will be the most expensive and biggest movie of all time. What will you say guys?

Whether it is considered the "most expensive" and "biggest" movie of all time can be subjective and dependent on various factors such as production budget, marketing costs, box office performance, and inflation adjustments. While "Infinity War" was undoubtedly a major cinematic event and garnered significant attention, there have been other films throughout history that have also held the title of the most expensive or the biggest in terms of various metrics.
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The New Movies In 2017 - by SaraJones - 7th September 2016, 08:25
RE: The New Movies In 2017 - by Santiago Morris - 29th August 2023, 10:09

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