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top 20 vocals
Можем да спорим с години. За мен 8 октави не ми говорят нищо...0....кръгла 0..., за мен не 8-те октави са важни, а как гласа на дадения човек резонира върху мен.Как аз го чуствам.

Друг е въпроса как вие определяте хората с великите гласове.
Та както казах спора ще е дълъг.

Messages In This Thread
top 20 vocals - by aces_high - 5th January 2009, 18:10
top 20 vocals - by Ludnichar - 5th January 2009, 19:39
top 20 vocals - by Schw3da - 5th January 2009, 23:09
top 20 vocals - by Dragontear_vbulletin3_import1 - 6th January 2009, 10:17
top 20 vocals - by vgeorgiev - 6th January 2009, 10:44
top 20 vocals - by Dragontear_vbulletin3_import1 - 6th January 2009, 10:58
top 20 vocals - by vgeorgiev - 6th January 2009, 11:51
top 20 vocals - by Dragontear_vbulletin3_import1 - 6th January 2009, 12:02
top 20 vocals - by The beasT - 6th January 2009, 14:16
top 20 vocals - by Morticia Dickinson - 6th January 2009, 14:49
top 20 vocals - by Ludnichar - 6th January 2009, 21:23
top 20 vocals - by h4ll0w3d - 7th January 2009, 00:22
top 20 vocals - by Morticia Dickinson - 7th January 2009, 17:57
top 20 vocals - by Кико - 7th January 2009, 18:15
top 20 vocals - by Ludnichar - 7th January 2009, 19:53
top 20 vocals - by Кико - 7th January 2009, 20:14
top 20 vocals - by The beasT - 7th January 2009, 20:21
top 20 vocals - by Morticia Dickinson - 7th January 2009, 20:55
top 20 vocals - by Ludnichar - 7th January 2009, 21:07
top 20 vocals - by Morticia Dickinson - 7th January 2009, 21:13
top 20 vocals - by Dragontear_vbulletin3_import1 - 7th January 2009, 21:13
top 20 vocals - by Dragontear_vbulletin3_import1 - 7th January 2009, 21:16
top 20 vocals - by Кико - 7th January 2009, 21:37
top 20 vocals - by Ludnichar - 7th January 2009, 21:39
top 20 vocals - by The beasT - 7th January 2009, 21:55
top 20 vocals - by Morticia Dickinson - 7th January 2009, 22:01
top 20 vocals - by Dragontear_vbulletin3_import1 - 7th January 2009, 22:03
top 20 vocals - by Maidencheto - 7th January 2009, 22:32
top 20 vocals - by Morticia Dickinson - 7th January 2009, 22:52
top 20 vocals - by Кико - 8th January 2009, 00:17
top 20 vocals - by Dragontear_vbulletin3_import1 - 8th January 2009, 00:30
top 20 vocals - by Кико - 8th January 2009, 01:01
top 20 vocals - by Maidencheto - 8th January 2009, 10:11
top 20 vocals - by Dragontear_vbulletin3_import1 - 8th January 2009, 10:24
top 20 vocals - by vgeorgiev - 8th January 2009, 10:46
top 20 vocals - by Morticia Dickinson - 8th January 2009, 11:19
top 20 vocals - by Maidencheto - 8th January 2009, 11:55
top 20 vocals - by Кико - 8th January 2009, 12:41
top 20 vocals - by The beasT - 8th January 2009, 15:08
top 20 vocals - by vgeorgiev - 8th January 2009, 15:50

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