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Игра на Елиминация vol.2
Та правилата са прости.. Понеже Seventh Son Оf A Seventh Son официално е коронован за най-добрият албум, давате по 2 точки за песента, които ви харесва от него.. Но за съжаление трябва и да отнемете 2 точки на някоя друга. Надявам се така да отсеем само 1 песен. Позволено е гласуване веднъж на ден.

Moonchild 20
Infinite Dreams 20 + 2 = 22
Can I Play with Madness 20 - 2 = 18
The Evil that Men Do 20
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 20
Only the Good Die Young 20
Moonchild 20
Infinite Dreams 22
Can I Play with Madness 18
The Evil that Men Do 20
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 20 - 2 = 18
Only the Good Die Young 20 + 2 = 22
Moonchild 20 + 2 = 22
Infinite Dreams 22
Can I Play with Madness 18 - 2 = 16
The Evil that Men Do 20
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 18
Only the Good Die Young 22
Only The Good Die Young...
All the evil seems to live forever...
Moonchild 22
Infinite Dreams 22
Can I Play with Madness 16 - 2 = 14
The Evil that Men Do 20 + 2 = 22
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 18
Only the Good Die Young 22
[Image: velikoturnovo_Clan.jpg]
Moonchild 22 - 2 = 20
Infinite Dreams 22
Can I Play with Madness 14
The Evil that Men Do 22 + 2 = 24
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 18
Only the Good Die Young 22

Супер ми е трудно да взимам точки, на която и да е песен от този албум :crying:
[COLOR="LightBlue"]Seven deadly sins , seven ways to win
Seven holy paths to hell, and your trip begins
Seven downward slopes, seven bloodied hopes
Seven are your burning fires, seven your desires...[/COLOR]
Hahah знаех си,че ще победи Седмият син...,:edtroop:

Moonchild 20
Infinite Dreams 22
Can I Play with Madness 14
The Evil that Men Do 24 + 2 = 26
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 18
Only the Good Die Young 22 - 2 = 20
Урааааа, най- после мнението ми някъде беше чуто Smile

гласувам с огромно удоволствие Smile

Moonchild 20
Infinite Dreams 22
Can I Play with Madness 14
The Evil that Men Do 26 + 2 = 28
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 18 - 2 = 16
Only the Good Die Young 20

упс, бях забравил, че трябва и да вземам точки Confusedad: - удоволствието изчезна
[COLOR="Yellow"]Love is a razor and I walked the line on that silver blade
Slept in the dust with his daughter, her eyes red with
The slaughter of innocence
And I will pray for her.
I will call her name out loud.
I would bleed for her.
If I could only see her now.

Circle of fire my baptism of joy at an end it seems
The seventh lamb slain, the book of life opens before me.
And I will pray for you.
...Some day I may return.
Don't you cry for me
Beyond is where I learn.
Moonchild 20
Infinite Dreams 22+2=24
Can I Play with Madness 14-2=12
The Evil that Men Do 28
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 16
Only the Good Die Young 20
[Image: Zlatica_Clan.jpg]
Moonchild 20
Infinite Dreams 24
Can I Play with Madness 12
The Evil that Men Do 28 + 2= 30
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 16 - 2 = 14
Only the Good Die Young 20
Нашата съдба - сляпа и зла,
бързо под своята власт ни събра.
Нейната заповед беше една:
вечно да бродим сами във нощта
Но в наште тела нещо гори,
в костите и във кръвта...
Огнени душиииии
Moonchild 20
Infinite Dreams 24+2=26
Can I Play with Madness 12
The Evil that Men Do 30
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 20
The Clairvoyant 20
The Prophecy 14-2=12
Only the Good Die Young 20
[Image: icebruce.jpg]

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