Meidana Wrote:Вече като видя етикета strictly limited edition! и ми става смешно. Според мен това си е чиста лъжа - търговски трик за по-бърза продажба. През 80-те и 90-те може и да е имало истина в това, но сега със сигурност е просто спекулация.
Абе то и на мен ми беше смешно като излязоха BNW и DOD и бяха лимитирани. Купих ги за продажните им цени, а сега вървят между 80 и 100 долара парчето.
Ето какво имам предвид:
Hi there Stefan Yordanov,
Just to answer some general questions I am being asked about the Limited Edition Iron Maiden Picture Disc LPS.
Are they Limited?
Yes, as you can see from the Iron Maiden press release they are going to be limited.
How many?
Don't know that but I expect it will be a one off pressing making
as many as pre sold plus a few extra.
Can you gaurantee my copies?
Yes, all orders placed with What Records will be supplied.
Will they be good quality?
Yes, I am told they will be excellent quality. A lot of time and effort has been put into getting the quality right.
How many copies of each Picture Disc can I order?
No problem with you ordering extra copies but no silly orders please.
How do I enter the prize draw?
Just by ordering you are automatically entered into our prize draw.
How many prizes?
There are 8 individual framed discs and a big prize of all eight discs in one'll need a big wall to hang this on! So 9 prizes altogether.
In addition I have a few Older Promotional Posters left and some 12 by 12's. I will be adding these at random to orders. I have about 100 Posters and 150 12 by 12's.
Finally, you should receive an order confirmarion (order number) for all orders you place. I know there has been some issues with cookies so if you haven't had an order confirmation please let me know and I'll check on our secure system.
If you have already ordered from us, then I thank you for your support.
If not you can pre order clicking the link below.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Hamlet, Act I, Scene V[/COLOR]