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single36_wildestdreams_a_smallsingle36_wildest-dreams-dvd_2001st September 2003

1. Wildest Dreams (Smith, Harris)
2. Pass The Jam (Dickinson, Gers, Harris, McBrain, Murray, Smith)
3. Blood Brothers (orchestral mix) (Harris)

Wildest Dreams was the first single from the Dance Of Death album. The cover represents a close-up of Eddie's face as can be seen in the 'Wildest Dreams' video, a 3D computer animation directed by Howard Greenhalgh. Strangely enough, the single was not released in New Zealand, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Bulgaria, Croatia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Mexico, USA, Hungary, Iceland, Russian Federation, Slovenia and South Africa.

Wildest Dreams (Smith, Harris)
This is the same version as the one that appears on the Dance Of Death album.

Pass The Jam (Dickinson, Gers, Harris, McBrain, Murray, Smith)
A literary critic once mentioned that Stephen King – the best-selling author of horror novels – could publish his shopping list and turn it into a best-seller. Iron Maiden seem to be trying this recipe with 'Pass The Jam'. This is quite simply a jam session they recorded and thought appropriate to put on a single. The result makes a change from the cover versions Maiden used to record as B-sides of their singles and is actually quite funny – mostly when Bruce Dickinson goes, "next up I'll scream", screams a couple of times before adding, "I warned you, I'm going home now".

Blood Brothers (orchestral mix) (Harris)
This is the so-called "orchestral mix" of the song that appears on the Brave New World album. Some synth has been added to give this "orchestral" feel and the distortions have been smoothened out. Other than that, there isn't much of a difference with the original version.



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