Marcel is the first international member of our fan club. He is born and raised in Holland and definitely has a lot to say as a fan outside of the iron curtain
Dimitar Todorov "MORGOTH" is One of the earliest fan club members. He is also known as The Fuckin' Morgoth. Why?.. You will find the answer in the interview below. Dimitar is also the physics genius of the fan club and spends most of his time looking at the stars.
Interview with Kiril Zahariev - KIKO. He is one of the earliest fan club members and the fan club's tennis pride. Joined the club during our firs ever trip to Athens back in 2008.
Interview with Tsetska Novakovoa. She describes herself as a regular Maiden fan. Member of the fan club since 2009. If someone has something against her, she will beat the shit out of him.
Interview with Nikola Petras – administrator of iron and fanclub member since the start of the club. He works as a graphic and web designer and photographer.