A mostly acoustic song, this is a re-recording of the version that first appeared on the Soundhouse Tapes in 1979. Although this version of 'Strange World' is excellent, it doesn't seem to have improved much from the Soundhouse version. Nevertheless, it is a great slow-type song whose style is quite similar to that of 'Remember Tomorrow', with dream-like lyrics.
Many people wonder about the origins of the lyrics of 'Strange World'. Some like to link it to 'Transylvania', since they are obviously overlapping musically on the album, but this song doesn't seem to be related to the vampire theme. The "plasma wine" mentioned in the lyrics could somehow relate it to some sort of blood-drinking creatures, but are we talking about the same plasma? Moreover, 'Transylvania' was supposed to have lyrics at first, weakening furthermore the supposed link between the two songs.
Some could say that the song is just about getting high, but it doesn't seem to be enough either, since it doesn't explain why the whole feel of the song is so sad. If you consider the "never grow old" phrase, it sounds like an ideal situation: being able to get a grip on reality, trying to pause time and cheer the unique feeling of the moment you're living. Of course, this is quite impossible since time runs wild and quick and no one can really grasp it. That's why the song could also be about getting in a state of mind where one can believe he can pause time, while knowing at the same time that it's a pure temporary illusion, hence the depressed music.
The song can therefore be interpreted in several ways, like a piece of poetry. It seems to have no true meaning, but it is all down to how you view it. Some may think it's about dreams, but others may see it as something else.